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Low cost domain name registration and
domain name lookup services



What is a Domain Name?


A domain name can be compared to being your home address where you are geographically located. However, a domain name on the internet means a "web" address where your website is located and can be found. When one asks you what is your web address and/or if you want one to visit your location on the internet, you provide them with the web address, also known as, a domain name. Generally, speaking a domain name is the address you provide so that internet surfers can visit your website on the internet. An example of how one might quote their domain name is by using the following format: "" or "" 


Domain Name Registration

Your first step to get onto the Internet is to get a Domain Name for your website.


Domain name registration gives you the ability to register your selected domain name (also known as a web address). Originally, several years ago, there was primarily one authorized domain registrar (InterNIC aka Network Solutions) However, the domain name registration business has become very competitive and there are many authorized domain name registrar companies to select from today. 


A domain name has extensions which identify the type of company that owns the domain name, i.e. com=commercial, .net-network, .org=organization, gov=government, .biz=business, etc.


Domain Name Registration Guidelines

  • A domain name can be up to 63 characters PLUS the extension (.com, .org .net)

  • The domain name can have characters or numbers (a-z), numbers (0-9)

  • no spaces can be used in the domain name

  • A dash can be used "-" (

  • Names are registered on a first come basis. Subject to any trademark, legal or Internic (or authorized domain name registrar) rules or changes. As long as you pay the applicable domain name registration fees when they are due

  • Once you register your domain name, it's yours



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Low Cost Domain Name Registration